"The Hand"

 I saw you tonight in my long ago memory
as you wandered down the lonely blue shore
in a low, gray mist.
You were there all alone, dejected and sad
As you walked so slowly down the barren beach.
I wanted only to walk with you
So I reached out for you in the incredible mist
I only wanted to hold your hand
And maybe experience what I had been reading about
And had thought about forever,
And had been longing for
Lo, these many years.
Slowly I came to terms with the almost forgotten, dead dreams
And gradually awakened to the realization
There on the vast and endless beach
That you had a warm and sensitive hand
Just within my reach
Waiting patiently for mine
To fill those empty voids and spaces
Between your long and caring fingers.
Finally your hand held mine so tenderly and filled all my voids as
I breathed a sigh of relief
In the foggy, smoldering mist.
You held me close and
I closed my eyes as I thankfully touched your hand again
And knew without a doubt
That you were waiting for me.
© Copyright 3 April 99 - Jane